

AgriCircle is a leading precision farming company with a focus digital agronomy.
The company is working on soil and soil-crop interactions and is implementing soil specific parts in the Nitrogen Sensor Project in order to have best in class soil mineralisation and plant needs measures based on remote sensing and in-field benchmarking and validation.

Staff working on the project

  • Peter Fröhlich

The Foundation for Climate Research

The Climate Research Foundation (FIC) is a non-profit, private and totally independent entity, whose objectives are focused on research in the field of climate change, as well as in the areas of climatology, meteorology and the environment in general.
The FIC technical team began its research on climate change in 1992. After successful initial research results, the FIC was established in 1996 (initially as an Association for Climate Research).

In the first years the research activity was focused on developing a robust method of regionalization (or downscaling, whose mission is to generate scenarios of future climate at local scale), which has been verified (comparing with observations) in several international research projects, and is used operationally in the generation of local climate scenarios for adaptation to climate change. Once the capacity to generate local scenarios of the future climate has been consolidated, the activity of the FIC has also focused on the evaluation of the impacts that climate change defined by these scenarios would have on various sectors (biodiversity, agriculture / food security, hydrology)

The FIC is a very specialized entity in climate change research, with a strong scientific profile, and whose scope of work has been extended from Spain (in the beginning) to Europe, Central America, South America and Asia.

Research areas:

  • Simulation of future climate
  • Evaluation of impacts and vulnerability to climate change
  • Urban planning and climate change
  • Adaptation to climate change already registered
  • Weather information and early warning systems

Staff working on the project

  • Emma Gaitán

    Senior Researcher

Technical University of Denmark

Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is providing internationally leading research, education, innovation and scientific advice. Our staff of 6,000 advance science and technology to create innovative solutions that meet the demands of society, and our 11,200 students are being educated to address the technological challenges of the future. DTU is an independent academic university collaborating globally with business, industry, government and public agencies.

In the project, staff and students handle the major part of the implementation of the cloud based automation system along with the network infrastructure for the assimilation of weather and soil moisture data. We also work on optimizing crop models for the crop species for making them applicable in large scale in a cloud computing setting. DTU is responsible of three demonstration fields with three crops in Poland. DTU has the role as coordinator and project leader.

Staff working on the project

  • Birger Andersen

    Project Leader

  • Christian Budtz

    Architecture, integration

  • Jacob Nordfalk

    Architecture, Integration and Deployment.

  • Bhupjit Singh

    Information Flow, Services and Data formats.

  • Ian Bridgwood


  • Bipjeet Kaur

    Technical Lead. Security, data validation.

  • Iver Ottosen

    Data analysis

  • Tomasz Blaszczyk

    Data assimilation